
Spring Break 2017

This winter has not really been much of a winter at all.  It hasn't really gotten very cold & we've had very little snow & ice.

That doesn't mean we weren't ready for spring break though. I took off the first 3 days of the week.  Which meant Jenny & I were back at finding day trips to occupy 5 kids under the age of 7.  Day 1 we decided to take the kids to Pawhuska to the Pioneer Woman's Mercantile.

We naively thought we would get there, meander through the store, run up to the bakery/deli & grab some food & head on our merry way.
Shows what we know - we got there & it was a 1 1/2 hour wait to get in the store & a 4 hour wait for the restaraunt.  On top of that the Oklahoma weather had decided to dress up as winter that day so it was blowing cold.  We'd come so far though so we decided we'd take turns waiting in line while the other one stayed in the car with the kids.

Thus a little over an hour and half & about 40 petty small child arguments in the car later we made it to the door.

Yay! Until we get inside & realize it's another hour wait to get into the deli/bakery & then come to the knowledge that we have brought 3 antsy children & 2 babies into a crowded store full of breakables.
We meandered around for a little while & knew there was no way we'd be able to wait to go up to the bakery/deli with our crew so we loaded everyone up in the car & pulled into Sonic before we ventured home.
Spring break activities also included sleepovers.
First night at Nenny's.
It's hard to be the babies and get left out of the big kid activities
If it's any consolation Nenny used the kids to help clean the next morning so it wasn't ALL fun & games ;)
Night 2 was at our house & by this time you'd hope exhaustion was setting in & we'd have early bedtime but you'd be wrong.
It was after 11 before every one was down for the night & everyone was up for the next day's fun by 7.
Day 2 took us to the zoo.
While we have had an unseasonably warm winter per the norm for spring break it was cold the first few days. Of course this just so happened to be the days I took off to be with the kids. Hence the winter coats & hats for everyone on zoo day.
Apparently this girl wasn't a fan of the hippos or maybe it was just being inside the muggy pachyderm exhibit.  There also is a strong possibility that this is her true feelings when her mom tells her "you're having fun!"
This guy was loving every minute of it and the girls really seemed to enjoy themselves too.
The little girls were fascinated by the seals.
They could have stood & watched this one swim past them for hours. Until Emmie remembered her job of guarding the snack bag.
Speaking of jobs this guy apparently felt like it was his job to get a picture with every animal statue he found.
By mid-afternoon we had lots of complaints of tired feet & only a small wagon to pull a couple of our crew in at a time so we packed up & headed home.
Wednesday we stayed at home and enjoyed not having to follow any type of schedule.  In all honesty this is probably an accurate description of that day.
Yeah I try to be that laid-back-cool-as-a-cucumber-mom but unfortunately that is not me.  

Thursday the kids spent the day at Nenny's where they were able to create their own parade.
Life on easy street
A day at Nenny's is always enjoyed by all
Friday was my half day and another day of play & celebrating the fact no school lunch had to be scrounged together.
As is generally the case Spring Break was a good time & made us all so ready for the relaxed pace of summer.


Valentine's Day

We love any reason to celebrate around here and Valentine's is the perfect excuse.
By celebrate we basically mean eat chocolate candy for breakfast
Unless you only have 2 teeth - in that case your celebration consists of having your treats (none of which are chocolate) thrown placed on the floor by your siblings...it's not easy being the baby. :)

One decade

10 anniversaries 
9 road trips
8 loved ones passed away
7 years of parenting 
6 months of Navy deployment
5 jobs
4 degrees
3 kids
2 career changes
1 happy life 

There are a lot more numbers of hobbies, friendships, vacations, and experiences in general we've gone through together but it's interesting to see a short list of what has been 10 very full years of living.

It hasn't always been easy, but it's never been hard.  There have been a few tears but a lot more laughter.  We've learned a lot about each other, raising kids, and handling what comes our way. 

Philip is exactly what I wanted and needed in a husband and father and I feel luckier every day that my prayers were answered and I am getting to share this adventure him. ❤️



Denver this winter

Three year old Denver is like a Mission Impossible movie - non-stop action. (If we're being honest so was 1 minute old, 1 year old, & 2 year old Denver).
He's spent most of his days playing with his best buddy Mosi - they divide their days crashing toy cars, chasing each other, wrestling to the ground, seeing who can get dirtier...
His favorite place is "Cowboy Town" which he has made up as a fictious place that he visits in his dreams that strongly resembles Papa's ranch.
And why wouldn't it be the place he goes in his dreams? He absolutely loves it there and has visited (without Mom & Dad) twice this winter
As has always been the case for Denver and is no different now he is either in full blown jackrabbit mode 
or passed out
His ornery little smile is almost too much for his mama's heart
and his free spirit and strong will keep that same mama and his dad on their toes (also known as dog tired by the end of the day).
That being said, the fun and laughter he brings to our lives makes us happy to wake up and do it all again every day.

Annie update

Annie had some fun activities this winter and has continued to thrive as she navigates the world of school, friendships, and being a big sister.
A little buddy of hers had a paint your pet party
and since we don't have a pet she painted her dog cousin Jacey
her artistic talent continues to amaze me because I am well aware she did not get one ounce of from me.
She also went to dancing with Daddy which we've already covered her love for in previous posts and this year was no exception.
Her school field trip to the Science Museum was a good time
Lucky for her she got to ride on the bus with Nenny, which I must add, she has found being at school with her to be such a treat this year.
She had another visit from Mary her tooth fairy
and was recognized at school for displaying the life principle of the week espirit de corp.
First grade has brought some challenges but we couldn't be prouder of the sweet soul she continues to be.
