No that's not a misspelling...having been on maternity leave & having a newborn has made the days of this summer kinda blend together (much like this post) into one big mosaic of fun.
(Dressed for the Little Britches rodeo).
While I have thoroughly enjoyed this special time being at home I will admit it has been challenging learning how to manage & keep three kids realitively content day in & out.
I've also had to keep up with some patient needs while being off & with a newborn that hasn't been the easiest task.
But luckily I've had this girl around to help me out
Seriously if I hadn't had Annie around to hold, calm, & in general watch over Lily throughout the day our house would've fallen down around our ears, we'd have never eaten or had clean clothes.
She's been a lifesaver, and has never once complained.
This guy on the other hand...
We've had lots of day trips with Jenny & her girls
Which means we've taken a mini van with a 6 year-old, 4 year-old, 2 year-old, & 2 infants out & about.
Sometimes it didn't seem like the best idea but in retrospect we've got some funny memories.
We've splash padded, we've parked
Gone to movies & out to lunch
We celebrated Independence Day with family, friends, & fireworks
We also participated in the church's Kingdom Kids program & the kids really enjoyed those activities weekly
Cousin Seanna got married so we went & celebrated that fun event with family. The kids had a blast & danced the night away.

(Late night means pull out the baby carrier & let Lily sleep).
Nana came up every week when I started working part-time to ease back into things & we were all so very thankful to have her around to help. Lily spent many hours napping in her arms.
We've summer-ed hard this year - we swam a lot at Nenny's house, ate Popsicles, ice cream, & snow cones (as much as I would allow)
Visited Frontier City with cousins & took on all the amusements height & safety standards would allow
(this girl snoozed in her carrier most of the time or slept while Nana held her)
Annie even rode her first roller coaster with a loop & loved it.
There have been days that old Halloween costumes & pjs were worn all day
The kiddos have played to the point of exhaustion
But refreshed themselves with a nap & started it all again.
It was like pulling teeth to get Annie's school summer packet done
(She actually lost 2 teeth this summer, one the day Lily was born & another mid-August)
But she persevered
Looking back on the last couple of months makes me realize what a gift these gems are & how precious the time I have with them is.
Sure we've been cranky & fussed at each other some but overall we've had a great time together & we're all sad to see summer break come to a close.
So long summer - we are forever grateful for the joy you gave us.