I'm not sure how it happened but all of the sudden Annie is 5 years old.
It's been a fast 5 years and although it's cliche, it literally seems like just a few months ago we were bringing her home and starting our journey into parenthood.
Four was a year of transition for Annie. She had to adjust to sharing attention, time, and life in general with a sibling but as she has done with all of the new experiences she's been handed - she accepted it and flourished. Her caring nature does not allow her to be upset with her at-times pesky little brother for very long and she is his biggest fan.
Every day it's harder to believe how mature she is along with the things she realizes, questions, and can do on her own. Watching her grow in all facets of life is one of the greatest privileges of parenting. We've had some challenges as she discovers more about the world around us and questions why but luckily she gives us grace as we fumble to find answers to soften some of the harsh realities that she's begun to encounter.
She really hit the jackpot on her birthday this year - she started out the day by getting a new bike, it was pajama day at school, I came and did a presentation for her class, and she got to leave early.
The night before her birthday she made a funfetti cake that she could decorate to enjoy on her birthday. (Thursdays are running club at school hence the marked lines on her arm - each lap they do they get a mark.) Nothing says a birthday like bright pink artificial frosting and sprinkles that will survive long after the zombie apocalypse.

She was pleased with the end result though and that's all that matters when it comes to birthday magic.

The party had lots of Frozen, friends, and fun which in turn resulted in fatigue and a good time being had by all.
Happy birthday to our (per-her-midterm-report from her teacher) "sweet, inquisitive, kind little girl." You keep us on our toes and make parenting a pleasure.
Four was a year of transition for Annie. She had to adjust to sharing attention, time, and life in general with a sibling but as she has done with all of the new experiences she's been handed - she accepted it and flourished. Her caring nature does not allow her to be upset with her at-times pesky little brother for very long and she is his biggest fan.
Every day it's harder to believe how mature she is along with the things she realizes, questions, and can do on her own. Watching her grow in all facets of life is one of the greatest privileges of parenting. We've had some challenges as she discovers more about the world around us and questions why but luckily she gives us grace as we fumble to find answers to soften some of the harsh realities that she's begun to encounter.
She really hit the jackpot on her birthday this year - she started out the day by getting a new bike, it was pajama day at school, I came and did a presentation for her class, and she got to leave early.
The night before her birthday she made a funfetti cake that she could decorate to enjoy on her birthday. (Thursdays are running club at school hence the marked lines on her arm - each lap they do they get a mark.) Nothing says a birthday like bright pink artificial frosting and sprinkles that will survive long after the zombie apocalypse.

She was pleased with the end result though and that's all that matters when it comes to birthday magic.
The thing about Friday birthdays with a Saturday party is that essentially you party for days. Hence the breakfast in bed to welcome the weekend (yes, that is indeed a recycled candle).
Elsa and Anna along with Olaf were some of the famous guests in attendance at the party to go along with our theme. Denver enjoyed mingling with them, probably because it was finally someone he could tote around instead of being the one man-handled.
The party couldn't start quick enough for these two girls....

We partied at one of Annie's favorite places in town, the Youth Fitness Zone. It's a great place because the kiddos get to run, jump, tumble, and climb which is the perfect compliment to the cake and sugary drinks they consume while there.
The party had lots of Frozen, friends, and fun which in turn resulted in fatigue and a good time being had by all.
Happy birthday to our (per-her-midterm-report from her teacher) "sweet, inquisitive, kind little girl." You keep us on our toes and make parenting a pleasure.