
Happy Heart Day

Valentine's Day started early at our house.  I got up at 5:10 to make red velvet pancakes for Annie because she loves pancakes & it was a special day.  However, I need to remember a four-year old does not necessarily appreciate one getting up to make a unique Valentine's breakfast - they would prefer to make a meal out of the cheap candy they got at school or the sweet love bug cake pops their dad purchased.

She did give them a try though, sweet girl that she is.

The lovebug cake pops Philip ordered for her.  These were a hit.

Here's a cute Valentine she got from one of her teachers & evidence that Pintrest continues to ruin the world for those of us who lack time & the sixth sense: craftiness...


At school they did Mad Libs at their Valentine's party & Annie's was precious (of course).

Denver really wasn't much into a holiday centered around love or maybe it was because it was Friday & he was tired of the weekly routine.  Or it could be he was avoiding being smothered by the love of his sister, but whatever it was he wasn't interested in getting this picture to mark his first February 14th.

It was a fun day overall.  Philip & I both got off work early, we went to a lovely impromptu wedding for a new couple at church, enjoyed dinner at home, & a movie on the couch.  I for one am glad I fell victim to Cupid's arrow eight or so years ago.


It's been a year

Well, I've made it a year somewhat consistently (a term used very loosely in this case) documenting the lives of what is now the Norwood 4.  While I thought it would be neat to post a bunch of random pictures of the last year I only have a very short window of nap time on weekends & week nights there really isn't any extra time (thank you busy season) so that's just not going to happen.  Plus, do I really need that? I just did a year-end recap & that's what the archives are for.  Like the popular song from Frozen says "LET IT GO!!!!"

Anyway, here is a precious pic & one of the moments that warmed my heart this week.  I don't ever want to forget how helpful & sweet Annie is at her mere 4 years of age with her infant brother.  She's always comforting him when he needs it (& sometimes when he doesn't) & I caught this the other morning while at a stoplight.  He had been fussing, but she took care of that.  

(Yes the mirror is all fingerprinted up but that's because a 4 year-old is usually trying to adjust it for her mom while we are undoubtly driving down one of the smooth as silk roads (insert sarcastic tone) near our home...)
